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Exterior photograph of Atlantic County Historical Society building in Somers Point, New Jersey
Blue historic plaque in front of building with red siding. Plaque explains history of Risley Homestead.
Crowded room with people sitting down, watching two men talk
Researcher looking for a book in library bookshelves.
Woman and three children looking at antique dollclothes, held by museum curator
Book (Absegami yesteryear), newsletter, and yearbook arranged on a table.
Group of men standing with quilts wrapped around their shoulders. These are veterans who were interviewed for the Veterans History Project. They were honored with the quilts from the Quilts of Valor project.

Winter 2024-25 Newsletter

Read about Thomas England General Hospital, check out the Pioneer Market in the Then & Now series, and make note of our upcoming events in our latest issue of the newsletter

Looking for ways to support ACHS?

  • Eating at Shore Diner any day: print this voucher so that ACHS receives a portion of your bill.
  • Join us! We're always happy to have new members.
  • Consider donating items or money - now or in your estate planning.

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Free Membership for 4th graders

Atlantic County 4th graders (and their families) can now receive a free membership!


The library and museum are now OPEN each week from Thursdays to Saturdays from 10am to 3pm. We look forward to seeing you!

Free Family Membership for county 4th graders

Special Events & Meetings